Direktori : /usr/local/share/perl5/ExtUtils/ |
Current File : //usr/local/share/perl5/ExtUtils/MM_Cygwin.pm |
package ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin; use strict; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config; use File::Spec; require ExtUtils::MM_Unix; require ExtUtils::MM_Win32; our @ISA = qw( ExtUtils::MM_Unix ); our $VERSION = '7.36'; $VERSION =~ tr/_//d; =head1 NAME ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker =head1 SYNOPSIS use ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin; # Done internally by ExtUtils::MakeMaker if needed =head1 DESCRIPTION See ExtUtils::MM_Unix for a documentation of the methods provided there. =over 4 =item os_flavor We're Unix and Cygwin. =cut sub os_flavor { return('Unix', 'Cygwin'); } =item cflags if configured for dynamic loading, triggers #define EXT in EXTERN.h =cut sub cflags { my($self,$libperl)=@_; return $self->{CFLAGS} if $self->{CFLAGS}; return '' unless $self->needs_linking(); my $base = $self->SUPER::cflags($libperl); foreach (split /\n/, $base) { /^(\S*)\s*=\s*(\S*)$/ and $self->{$1} = $2; }; $self->{CCFLAGS} .= " -DUSEIMPORTLIB" if ($Config{useshrplib} eq 'true'); return $self->{CFLAGS} = qq{ CCFLAGS = $self->{CCFLAGS} OPTIMIZE = $self->{OPTIMIZE} PERLTYPE = $self->{PERLTYPE} }; } =item replace_manpage_separator replaces strings '::' with '.' in MAN*POD man page names =cut sub replace_manpage_separator { my($self, $man) = @_; $man =~ s{/+}{.}g; return $man; } =item init_linker points to libperl.a =cut sub init_linker { my $self = shift; if ($Config{useshrplib} eq 'true') { my $libperl = '$(PERL_INC)' .'/'. "$Config{libperl}"; if( "$]" >= 5.006002 ) { $libperl =~ s/(dll\.)?a$/dll.a/; } $self->{PERL_ARCHIVE} = $libperl; } else { $self->{PERL_ARCHIVE} = '$(PERL_INC)' .'/'. ("$Config{libperl}" or "libperl.a"); } $self->{PERL_ARCHIVEDEP} ||= ''; $self->{PERL_ARCHIVE_AFTER} ||= ''; $self->{EXPORT_LIST} ||= ''; } =item maybe_command Determine whether a file is native to Cygwin by checking whether it resides inside the Cygwin installation (using Windows paths). If so, use C<ExtUtils::MM_Unix> to determine if it may be a command. Otherwise use the tests from C<ExtUtils::MM_Win32>. =cut sub maybe_command { my ($self, $file) = @_; my $cygpath = Cygwin::posix_to_win_path('/', 1); my $filepath = Cygwin::posix_to_win_path($file, 1); return (substr($filepath,0,length($cygpath)) eq $cygpath) ? $self->SUPER::maybe_command($file) # Unix : ExtUtils::MM_Win32->maybe_command($file); # Win32 } =item dynamic_lib Use the default to produce the *.dll's. But for new archdir dll's use the same rebase address if the old exists. =cut sub dynamic_lib { my($self, %attribs) = @_; my $s = ExtUtils::MM_Unix::dynamic_lib($self, %attribs); return '' unless $s; return $s unless %{$self->{XS}}; # do an ephemeral rebase so the new DLL fits to the current rebase map $s .= "\t/bin/find \$\(INST_ARCHLIB\)/auto -xdev -name \\*.$self->{DLEXT} | /bin/rebase -sOT -" if (( $Config{myarchname} eq 'i686-cygwin' ) and not ( exists $ENV{CYGPORT_PACKAGE_VERSION} )); $s; } =item install Rebase dll's with the global rebase database after installation. =cut sub install { my($self, %attribs) = @_; my $s = ExtUtils::MM_Unix::install($self, %attribs); return '' unless $s; return $s unless %{$self->{XS}}; my $INSTALLDIRS = $self->{INSTALLDIRS}; my $INSTALLLIB = $self->{"INSTALL". ($INSTALLDIRS eq 'perl' ? 'ARCHLIB' : uc($INSTALLDIRS)."ARCH")}; my $dop = "\$\(DESTDIR\)$INSTALLLIB/auto/"; my $dll = "$dop/$self->{FULLEXT}/$self->{BASEEXT}.$self->{DLEXT}"; $s =~ s|^(pure_install :: pure_\$\(INSTALLDIRS\)_install\n\t)\$\(NOECHO\) \$\(NOOP\)\n|$1\$(CHMOD) \$(PERM_RWX) $dll\n\t/bin/find $dop -xdev -name \\*.$self->{DLEXT} \| /bin/rebase -sOT -\n|m if (( $Config{myarchname} eq 'i686-cygwin') and not ( exists $ENV{CYGPORT_PACKAGE_VERSION} )); $s; } =item all_target Build man pages, too =cut sub all_target { ExtUtils::MM_Unix::all_target(shift); } =back =cut 1;